
What I can do for you

Fausto Balloni Filho Web Developer

  • Frontend Development:
    - HTML/XHTML (for email marketing too)
    - CSS (sass-scss)
    - Bootstrap (or custom)
    - JQuery
  • Responsive Design:
    - Reduced project costs by writing responsive CSS design without the need of having a separated mobile Photoshop mockups.
    - Managed and successfully adapted the view from the desktop to mobile using the best practices and good sense.
  • Cross Browser Compatibility:
    - Customized different platforms to facilitate my work needs by having a PC and Mac, and also iPhone and Android mobile devices with the most popular browsers.
    - Experienced on cross-browser issues and troubleshooting development complications.
  • Pixel Perfect PSD Conversions:
    - Developed attention to details for grid sizes padronization, margin alignments, font styles, line heights, letter-spacings.
    - Incorporated the newest design concepts utilizing simplicity to reach desirable results.
  • Design Experience:
    - Ultilized Photoshop tools to facilitate the design and cut the images to optimize them and make a lightweight website permiting a better interface with Google and general search engines.
    - Educated students in St. Lawrence College (Ontario) with basic and advanced photoshop classes for photographers.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization):
    - Examined and applied the best SEO practices for front end development: correct tags in correct places, optimized code and media.
  • WordPress Theme Development:
    - Customized minimum plugin usage, promoting website speed, avoiding additional Javascript and unecessary codes
    - Implemented custom taxonomies, menus, post types and plugins.
    - Developed WordPress websites with simple admin user interfaces.
    - Built original websites with no pre-maded templates facilitating the editing every element in the website.
  • WooCommerce (WordPress ecommerce platform):
    - Resolved issues related to customization of pages and processes.
  • API Integration:
    - Experienced in API like Google Analytics, Google Maps, Google Calendar, Youtube, etc.
  • PHP Programming:
    - Learned back-end coding supporting custom scripts.
  • Webmaster:
    - Experienced with FTP, SFTP, SSH, WHM, cPanel and web hosting administration.
  • Work Responsibility:
    - Colaborative work style
    - Professional and personable maner.
    - Highly effective problem solver.
    - Experienced with stricts timelines.
  • Bilingual:
    - Fluent in English and Portuguese